Wednesday, April 20, 2016

CN - MODULES 3 - Network Media Types

Coaxial cable

Coaxial cable is the kind of copper cable used by cable TV companies between the community antenna and user homes and businesses.

It consists of a center wire surrounded by insulation and then a grounded shield of braided wire. The shield minimizes electrical and radio frequency interference

Twisted-pair cable

A type of cable that consists of two independently insulated wires twisted around one another. The use of two wires twisted together helps to reduce crosstalk and electromagnetic induction.

  • UTP & STP

Both shielded twisted pair (STP) and unshielded twisted pair (UTP) have interference blocking capacities. However the way that each one is designed to cancel the interference is different. Interference caused by power lines, radar systems or other high power electromagnetic signals, called noise, can cause an imbalance in the current flowing through the shield or conductors of the cables which interferes with the signal.

STP cables have a conducting shield made of metallic foil encasing the twisted wire pairs, which blocks out electromagnetic interference, allowing it to carry data at a faster rate of speed.

UTP cables are the most commonly used cables for Ethernet connections.

  • Straight-through, crossover, rollover cable

Just remember 2 simple rules:

1. When the devices are same, then crossover cable is used.

2. When devices are different, Straight cable is used.

So for router-to-router we need crossover cable.


Fibre optic cable are long, flexible, hair-width strands of ultra-pure glass which is capable of transmitting messages modulated onto light waves.


Electronic products and systems that interact by using electromagnetic energy, to carry information between them, so they can communicate with each other.

A technology, such as cell phones, that uses radio waves to transmit and receive data. It is used increasingly for data transmission.

  • 802.11 — applies to wireless LANs and provides 1 or 2 Mbps transmission in the 2.4 GHz band using either frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) or direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS).

  • 802.11b (also referred to as 802.11 High Rate or Wi-Fi) — an extension to 802.11 that applies to wireless LANS and provides 11 Mbps transmission (with a fallback to 5.5, 2 and 1-Mbps) in the 2.4 GHz band. 802.11b uses only DSSS. 802.11b was a 1999 ratification to the original 802.11 standard, allowing wireless functionality comparable to Ethernet.

  • 802.11g — applies to wireless LANs and is used for transmission over short distances at up to 54-Mbps in the 2.4 GHz bands

  • 802.11n — 802.11n builds upon previous 802.11 standards by adding multiple-input multiple-output(MIMO). The additional transmitter and receiver antennas allow for increased data throughput through spatial multiplexing and increased range by exploiting the spatial diversity through coding schemes like Alamouti coding. The real speed would be 100 Mbit/s (even 250 Mbit/s in PHY level), and so up to 4-5 times faster than 802.11g





Layer 7: Application

This is the layer the user is interacting with (software). This can be skype, chrome etc.

Layer 6: Presentation

This is the OS.

Layer 5: Session

This layer deals with communication between two devices. For example: when the user goes to a website, the user’s computer must open a session between itself and server hosting the website, thus allowing the user to receive the website in the first place. The same goes for any sort of communication, ie VOIP etc.

Layer 4: Transport

This layer deals how much information is sent back and forth in a session. Using the website example it handles the information the user sends in a request, and then the information the server has to retrieve and send back in order for you to see the website.

Layer 3: Network

This is where routers operate. Anything regarding the TCP/IP protocol happens here. Think IP’s, subnet masks, default gateways etc.

Layer 2: Data Link

This is where switches operate.

Layer 1: Physical

This is the physical stuff connecting computers together (cables, switches, routers, modems etc etc).


 Here are the different layers and just some of the embedded protocols and functions:
  • Layer 1—Data Link
    • Protocols that work with network hardware, Ethernet and VPNs
  • Layer 2—Internet
    • IP (Internet Protocol)
    • IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6)
    • ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)
    • RARP (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol)
    • ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
    • IPSec (IP Security Protocols)
    • L2TP (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol)
    • CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing)
  • Layer 3—Transport
    • TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
    • UDP (User Diagram Protocol)
  • Layer 4—Application
    • DNS (Domain Name Service)
    • FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
    • HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol)
    • SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
    • POP3 (Post Office Protocol Version 3)
    • Telnet

Monday, April 18, 2016




Order Form

Shipping Address

Contact No:
Delivery/Pick-up: Delivery Pick-up

Pastries to Order

Item Quantity Price





Registration Form

Email Address:
Contact No:
Color: Red Blue Green Black Silver
Inquiries: Inquire Test Drive Pick Up

Sunday, April 17, 2016




 local area network (LAN) is a network that connects computers and other devices in a relatively small area, typically a single building or a group of buildings


computer network that spans a relatively large geographical area. Typically, a WAN consists of two or more local-area networks (LANs)


 metropolitan area network (MAN) is a network that interconnects users with computer resources in a geographic area or region larger than that covered by even a large local area network (LAN) but smaller than the area covered by a wide area network (WAN).

 A storage-area network (SAN) is a dedicated high-speed network (or subnetwork) that interconnects and presents shared pools of storage devices to multiple servers.


is a virtual private network which is a network that is constructed by using public wires, usually the Internet, to connect to a private network, such as a company's internal network. 


      • Intranet - An intranet is a private network accessible only to an organization's staff.
      • Extranet - An extranet is a private network that uses Internet technology and the public telecommunication system to securely share part of a business's information or operations with suppliers, vendors, partners, customers, or other businesses


      • Bandwidth describes the maximum data transfer rate of a network or Internet connection. It measures how much data can be sent over a specific connection in a given amount of time.


    OSI vs TCP/IP


    The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Model is a conceptual and logical layout that defines network communication used by systems open to interconnection and communication with other systems. 

    The model is broken into seven subcomponents, or layers, each of which represents a conceptual collection of services provided to the layers above and below it. The OSI Model also defines a logical network and effectively describes computer packet transfer by using different layer protocols.

    The OSI Model may also be referred to as the seven-layer OSI Model or the seven-layer model.


    stand for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. It is the most widely used communications protocol. TCP/IP prepares and forwards data packets over a network such as Ethernet.

    Reference :

    Wednesday, April 13, 2016

    WDP Exercise 4 - Tables are complicated

    Dayana Binti Jait
    21 Year Old 01-09-1994
    nana*** +673*******
    Im shy, quiet and playful

    Tuesday, April 12, 2016

    WDP Exercise 3 - Tables, Divs, Span

    Table Time
    Name Age
    Khairun 19
    Zura 18
    Hafiy 20

    Famous Monsters by Birth Year
    Famous Monster Birth Year
    King Kong 1933
    Dracula 1897
    Bride of Frankenstein 1935



    This text is black, except for the word red!

    My favourite font is Impact!

    Monday, April 11, 2016

    WDP Exercise


    List of my favourite things

    1. Raindrops on roses
    2. Whiskers on kittens
    3. Bright copper kettles
    4. Warm woolen mittens

    List of things I find just OK

    1. My phone
    2. My attitude
    3. School

    Most annoying TV celebrities

    • Fazura
    • Kanye
    • Nina Iskandar

    Top Three things I can do today

    • Sleep
    • Eat
    • Day dream

    A Description Lists

    - black hot drink
    - white cold drink

    Nested Lists

    1. Dad's interests
      • football
      • knitting
    2. Mom's interests
      • hating football
      • skydiving

    Lists inside a List

    • Favorite Boys' Name
      1. Justin
      2. Ryan
      3. Danish
    • Favorite Girls' Name
      1. Clarise
      2. Scarlett
      3. Kendall

    First font size change

    Some text for you to make tiny!
    Some text for you to make normal size!
    Some text fo you to make super biggger!

    Changing the colors!

           Big Heading

    A giant bear and a little duck were friends
    But the bear got hungry and ate the duck
    1. This item is big Arial
    2. This item is medium Verdana
    3. This item is small Impact

    Favorite ¼ Football Teams

    1. The Hawthorn Football Club °
    2. Manchester United
    3. Barcelona FC

    Wednesday, April 6, 2016

    CN – Lab Exercise 2


    ·   Learn to use the TCP/IP Packet Internet Groper (ping) command from a workstation.
    ·   Learn to use the Traceroute (tracert) command from a workstation.
    ·   Observe name resolution occurrences using WINS and/or DNS servers.


    This lab assumes the use of any version of Windows. This is a non-destructive lab and can be done on any machine without concern of changing the system configuration.  Ideally, this lab is performed in a LAN environment that connects to the Internet. It can be done from a single remote connection via a modem or DSL-type connection. The student will need the IP addresses that were recorded in the previous lab. The instructor might also furnish additional IP addresses.
    Note: Ping has been used in many DOS attacks and many school network administrators have turned off ping, echo reply, from the border routers. If the network administrator has turned off echo reply then it is possible for a remote host to appear to be offline when the network is operational.


    What is Ping?
    A ultility to determine whether a specific IP address is accessible

    What is Tracert?
    Traceroute is a network diagnostic tool used to track the pathway taken by a packet on an IP network from source to destination. Traceroute also records the time taken for each hop the packet makes during its route to the destination

    Step 1 Establish and verify connectivity to the Internet
    This ensures the computer has an IP address.

    Step 2 Access the command prompt
    Use the Start menu to open the Command Prompt window. Press Start, type Run then type cmd which stands as Command Prompt

    Step 3 ping the IP address of another computer
    In the window, type ping, a space, and the IP address of a computer recorded in the previous lab. 

    Ping uses the ICMP echo request and echo reply feature to test physical connectivity. Since ping reports on four attempts, it gives an indication of the reliability of the connection. Look over the results and verify that the ping was successful. Is the ping successful?
    If not, perform appropriate troubleshooting. Yes, the ping is successful

    If a second networked computer is available, try to ping the IP address of the second machine.
    Note the results.

    Step 4 ping the IP address of the default gateway
    Try to ping the IP address of the default gateway if one was listed in the last exercise. If the ping is successful, it means there is physical connectivity to the router on the local network and probably the rest of the world.

    Step 5 ping the IP address of a DHCP or DNS servers
    Try to ping the IP address of any DHCP and/or DNS servers listed in the last exercise. If this works for both server and they are not in the network, what does this indicate?
    Both address are reachable from any workstation

    Was the ping successful?Sometime it may successful, sometime not.
    If not, perform appropriate troubleshooting.

    Step 6 ping the Loopback IP address of this computer
    Type the following command: ping 
    The network is reserved for loopback testing. If the ping is successful, then TCP/IP is  properly installed and functioning on this computer.
    Was the ping successful? Yes, unless the NIC is broken down
    If not, perform appropriate troubleshooting.

    Step 7 ping the hostname of another computer
    Try to ping the hostname of the computer that was recorded in the previous lab. 

    If the ping is successful, it means the computer was able to resolve the host name to an IP address. Without name resolution, the ping would have failed because TCP/IP only understands valid IP addresses, not names.
    If the ping was successful, it means that connectivity and discovery of IP addresses can be done with only a hostname. In fact, this is how many early networks communicated. If successful, then ping a hostname also shows that there is probably a WINS server working on the network. WINS servers or a local “lmhosts” file resolve computer host names to IP addresses. If the ping fails, then chances are there is no NetBIOS name to IP addresses resolution running.
    Note: It would not be uncommon for a Windows Vista or 7 networks to not support this feature.
    It is an old technology and often unnecessary.

    Step 8 ping the Google web site
    Type the following command: ping

    The first output line shows the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) followed by the IP address. A
    Domain Name Service (DNS) server somewhere in the network was able to resolve the name to an IP address. DNS servers resolve domain names, not hostnames, to IP addresses. 
    Without this name resolution, the ping would have failed because TCP/IP only understands valid IP addresses. It would not be possible to use the web browser without this name resolution.
    With DNS, connectivity to computers on the Internet can be verified using a familiar web address, or domain name, without having to know the actual IP address. If the nearest DNS server does not know the IP address, the server asks a DNS server higher in the Internet structure.

    Step 9 ping the Microsoft web site
    Type the following command: ping

    Notice that the DNS server was able to resolve the name to an IP address, but there is no response.
    Some Microsoft routers are configured to ignore ping requests. This is a frequently implemented security measure.
    ping some other domain names and record the results. For example, ping 
    the ping should be successfull but Request time out.

    Step 10 Trace the route to the Yahoo web site
    Type tracert and press Enter.

    tracert is TCP/IP abbreviation for trace route. The preceding figure shows the successful result when running tracert.
    Each router represents a point where one network connects to another network and the packet was forwarded through.
    Explain tracert and differentiate it with ping.
    Ping is a ultility to determine whether a specific IP address is accessible while tracert is a network diagnostic tool used to track the pathway taken by a packet on an IP network from source to destination. Traceroute also records the time taken for each hop the packet makes during its route to the destination

     Step 11 Trace other IP addresses or domain names
    Try tracert on other domain names or IP addresses and record the results. An example is

    Step 12 Trace a local host name or IP address
    Try using the tracert command with a local host name or IP address. It should not take long because the trace does not pass through any routers.



    If the above steps are successful and ping or tracert can verify connectivity with an Internet Web site, what does this indicate about the computer configuration and about routers between the computer and the web site? What, if anything, is the default gateway doing? 

    If all of the above steps are successful snd ping or tracert can verify connectivity with an Internet Web site and everything should be working properly, its mean that ISP connection is working and the IP config is correct which enable them to be access or connect to each other. And default gateways is the device that passess traffic from local subnet to another device subnet.  The default gateway often connects a local network to the Internet, although internal gateways for local networks also exist.

    CN – Lab Exercise 1


    What is Ping?
    A utility to determine whether a specific IP address is accessible

    Step 1 Connect into the Internet

    Establish and verify connectivity to the Internet. This ensures the computer has an IP address.

    Step 2 Gather TCP/IP configuration information
    Use the Start menu to open the Command Prompt, an MS-DOS-like window. Press Start, then type cmd for Command Prompt. 
    The following figure shows the Command screen. Type ipconfig and press the Enter key. The spelling of ipconfig is critical while case is not. It is short for IP Configuration.

    This screen shows the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. The IP address and the default gateway should be in the same network or subnet, otherwise this host would not be able to communicate outside the network. In the figure the subnet mask tells us that the first three octets must be the same to be in the same network.

    Note: If this computer is on a LAN, the default gateway might not be seen if it is running behind a Proxy Server. 

    Step 3 Record the following TCP/IP information for this computer
    IP address:
    Subnet Mask:
    Default Gateway: 

    Step 4 Compare the TCP/IP configuration of this computer to others on the LAN
    If this computer is on a LAN, compare the information of several machines. (Maximum of 3)
    Are there any similarities? Yes (Subnet Mask, Default Gateway)
    What is similar about the IP addresses?
    What is similar about the default gateways?
    The IP addresses should share the same network portion. All machines in the LAN should share the same default gateway.
    Record a couple of the IP Addresses: and

     Step 5 Check additional TCP/IP configuration information
    To see detailed information, type ipconfig /all and press Enter. 

    The host name, including the computer name and NetBIOS name should be displayed. Also, the DHCP server address, if used, and the date the IP lease starts and ends should be displayed. Look over the information. Entries for the DNS, used in name resolution servers, may also be present.

    The previous figure reveals that the router is performing DHCP services for this network. This would likely be a small office or home office (SOHO) or small branch office implementation.

    Notice the Physical Address (MAC) and the NIC model (Description).
    In the LAN, what similarities about the Physical (MAC) Addresses are seen?
    There is no similarities between the Physical (MAC) Addresses seen

    While not a requirement, most LAN administrators try to standardize components like NICs.
    Therefore, it would not be surprising to find all machines share the first three Hex pairs in the adapter address. These three pairs identify the manufacturer of the adapter. 
    Write down the IP addresses of any servers listed: and

    Write down the computer Host Name: 

    Write down the Host Names of a couple other computers: 
    A couple of oyhe computer has the same Host name call LAB2

    Do all of the servers and workstations share the same network portion of the IP address as the student workstation? No

    It would not be unusual for some or all of the servers and workstations to be in another network. It means that the computer default gateway is going to forward requests to the other network.

    Step 6 Close the screen
    Close the screen when finished examining network settings.

    This concludes the lab.  


    Based on observations, what can be deduced about the following results taken from three computers connected to one switch?

    Computer 1
    IP Address:
    Subnet Mask:
    Default Gateway:

    Computer 2
    IP Address:
    Subnet Mask:
    Default Gateway:

    Computer 3
    IP Address:
    Subnet Mask:
    Default Gateway:

    Should they be able to talk to each other? Are they all on the same network? Why or why not? If something is wrong, what is most likely the problem?

    No, the three computers should not be able to talk with each other because some of them are on the different network. But three of them have the same subnet mask and default gateway. Only computer 1 and 2 can talk to each other because they are on the same network. They will be able to connect and share files with each other. However computer 3 will not be able to talk with computer 1 and 2. If something is wrong between the three computer, most probably the problem could be because of they  does not have same network address or they have different subnet mask from each other.